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Jack London Newsletter Index

Compiled by Jo Anne Sharpe

The Newsletter was the primary source of scholarly papers on Jack London and related topics from 1967 to 1988. Its editor was Hensley Woodbridge. Unfortunately, it did not have a wide distribution to individuals or libraries. As a consequence, a number of significant essays and reviews have gone unread and unused. Nonetheless, you should be able to find copies through use of Interlibrary Loan.

Alphebetical Index by Topic

Numbers refer to item numbers in the Author Index below, not page numbers.

Acorn Planter, The, 125 
Ahearn, Marie L., 1 
Alien Worlds of Jack London, The, 183 
Allatt, Edward, 2-5 Allied Artists, 341 
American Fiction: 1900-1950:  
A Guide to Information Sources, 379 
American Short Fiction, Readings Fiction, 380  
Anthologies; anthology, 353, 382, 390 
Archetypal, 42, 241 
Arctic tales, 43 
Assassination Bureau, The,2, 4 
Autobiography, 191

Bahls, William Tum Suden, 300 
Bain, III, Joe S., 6 
Banquet (See Jack London Birthday Banquet) 
Barltrop, Robert, 271 
Baskett, Sam S., 7 
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 377 
Beauchamp, Gorman, 334 
Before Adam, 304 
Beilke, MarIan, 8 
Belgium, 120 
Bennett, Kenneth 1.,9, 10 
Berry, Jeff, 11 
Besant, Larry X., 12 
Bibliography, 19, 155, 184, 196, 205,212,214,255,284,294,358,381,416 (See also Jack London, A Bibliography; WLT2) 
Biographer, 292 
Biography, 129, 171,201,284, 286,289,293,381 
Birthday (See Jack London Birthday Banquet) 
Blackman, Jr., Gordon N., 13, 14 
Book of Jack London, The, 307 
Bookman, 39 
Bouwman, Fred, 15 
Bowen, James K., 380 
Boxing, 80, 200 
Brazil, John, 16 
Brewster, Jim, 17 
Brown, Ellen, 18 
Bubka, Tony, 19, 356 
Bukoski, Anthony, 20 
Bulgarian, 144 
Burbank, Luther, 12 
Burning Daylight, 312 
Burstein, Harold M., 21 
Burton, Lou, 22 
Bush, Glen P., 23 
Buxton, Frances, 24 
By the Law, 326 
Bykov, Vil, 25-30, 36, 110

Cabezas Coca, Francisco, 382 
Call of the Wild, The, 34,47,71, 72, 78, 132, 133, 136, 137, 144 146,155,235,256,259,313, 317 
Call of the Wild by Jack London: A Casebook with Text, Background Sources, Reviews, Critical Essays, and Bibliography, The, 155 
Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Other Stories, The, 317 
Campbell, Jeanne, 31 (See also Reesman, Jeanne Campbell) 
CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 137, 260 
Centennial (of Jack London's birth),25, 102, 105, 153, 163, 217,224,346,369 
Chessey, Bob, 32 
China, 247 
Clasby, Nancy, 33 
Clausen, Henry A., 121 
Clayton, Lawrence, 34, 35 
Colin, Vera, 26, 36 
Collecting; 217 (See also First editions) 
Collection(s),24,43, 116,234,353 
College English Association, Seventeenth Annual Conference, 7,359 
Collins, Billy G., 37 
Conlon, Stephen, 38 
Conrad, Joseph, 277 
Cook, George, 39, 40 
Cooper, James Glennon, 41, 42 
Cortazar, Julio, 10 
Courbin, Jacqueline M., 43, 333 (See also Tavernier-Courbin, Jacqueline) 
Critic, 119, 162, 168, 219, 267 
Critical, 155, 203, 228, 333 
Critical Essays on Jack London, 333 
Criticism, 152, 172, 304 
Cruise of the Snark, The,208 
Culwell, R. Hunter, 44 
Curious Fragments: Jack London's Tales of Fantasy Fiction, 165

Daghlian, Carlos, 45 
Daily Worker, The, 362 
Daughters of the Rich, 87,170, 251 
Danish, 119,121,370 
Davis, Richard Harding, 83, 256 
Davis, William H. L., 46 
Day, A. Grove, 17 
"Day's Lodging, A," 355 
Dean, Paul, 47 
Dear Comrades, 166 
DeGruson, Gene, 48 
Denmark, 145 
Devane, William, 135 
DeVore, Lynn, 49 
Dhondt, Steven T., 50-52 
Dickey, James, 317 
Die Buchgemeinde, 343 
DiMiceli, Caroline, 53 
Dissertation(s), 42, 95, 239 
Dodson, Mary Kay, 54 
Draughtsman, The, 117 
Due, Do Due, 55 
Dunford, Michael, 56 
Dunn, N. E., 57 
Dzhek London, 26, 36, 381

East Bay Magazine,211 
Echevarria, E. A., 58 
Ellis, Harold D., 59 
End of the Tether, The,277 
England, 84 
Erbentraut, Edwin B., 60-67 
Essay; essays, 152, 155, 172, 319, 333 
Etulain, Richard W., 173 
Eucalyptus, 262 
Europe, 352 
Exhibit, 59, 291

Fantasy, 165,304 
Fick, Alvin S., 68 
Fiction,68,84,88, 110, 165, 175, 196,201,209,226,238,275, 314,379,380,390 
Fiction of Jack London, The, 68, 196 
Films (See Movies) 
Findley, Sue, 69 
First editions, 100, 217, 221, 222, 310 
First Poet, The, 98  
Fischler, Lee Lawrence, 70 
Fleming, Bess London, (See 
London, Becky) 
Flink, Andrew, 71-74 
Forrey, Robert, 75, 76 
Fragmentos del Futuro, 382 
Freeman, A. W., 77, 378 
Freudian, 123 
Frey, Charles, 78 
Fujiwara, Sakae, 79 
Furuseth, Charley, 324

Gable, Clark, 133 Game,The,200 
Gatti, Susan Irvin, 80 
German. 343 
Gershenowitz,lUury, 81-83 
Giles, James R., 84-86 
Glancy, Donald R., 87 
Glen Ellen, 283, 335, 340 
Gold: A Play in Three Acts, 151, 169, 355 
Gower, Ronald, 88 
Great Short Works of Jack London,383 
Gross, Dalton, 89 
Guerin, Wilfred L., 386

Haire, David B., 90 
Hall, Jim, 86 
Hamby, James A., 91 
Hamilton, David Mike, 92, 93, 339 
Haney, William, 94 
Harty, Kevin J., 95 
Hatchel, Linda, 96 
Hattenhauer, Darryl, 97 
Hawaiian fiction, 238 
Hedrick, Joan, 306 
Henry, James L., 98-101 
Hensley, Dennis E., 90,102-108 
Heron, Herbert, 151 
Heston, Charleton, 132 
Hindman, Kathleen B., 109 Hockett, Jack, 160 
Hoffmeister, Charles Christian, 29,110-115 
Hoffmeister, Karl-Christian, 116 
Holmes, Sherlock, 107 
Humanism, 204 
Humor, 104

Book of Jack London, The,307 
Index, Our Hawaii, 74 
Index, White Logic, 141  
Iron Heel, The, 242, 245 
Irving Stone's Jack London, 263 

Jack: A Biography of Jack London, 171, 289 
Jack London, 167,316,334 
Jack London: A Bibliography, 184,205,212,214,294, 358,416 (See also Bibliograph WLT2), 
Jack London: An American Myth, 269, 299 
Jack London --An American Radical?, 336 
Jack London and Conan Doyle: A Literary Kinship, 270 
Jack London and His Times-- An Unconventional Biography, 286 
Jack London: A Personal Perspective, 135 
Jack London, A Reference Guide,295 
Jack London: A Trilogy, 335 
Jack London Birthday Banquet, 102,163,216,217,218,282 " 
Jack London" Broadcast, 227 
Jack London Centennial Pieces, 105 
Jack London Clubs, 360 
Jack London Collection and Research Center, 24 
Jack London Conference, 164 
Jack London: Essays in Criticism, 152, 172 
Jack London First Editions: Illustrated--A Chronological Reference Guide, 221 
Jack London in Connection with the American Dream, 79 
Jack London in Retrospect, 106 
Jack London in Sweden: The Diffusion and Influence of His Works, 239 
Jack London in the South Seas, 17 
Jack London: Leben und Werk eines Rebellen (Jack London: The Life and Work of a Rebel), 8 
Jack London Newsletter, 181, 322, 349,351,365 
Jack London (on the Centennial of His Birth), 153 
Jack London on the Road: The Tramp Diary and other Hobo Writings, 173 
"Jack London" poem, 179 
Jack London Reports,51, 296 
Jack London Research Center, 335, 340 
Jack London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,174,384 
Jack London Square, 130 
Jack London(Starmont Readers Guide 15), 334 
Jack London State Historic Park, 44 
Jack London: The Life and Work of a Rebel,
Jack London, the Man, the Writer, the Rebel, 271 
Japan; Japanese, 278-282 
Jerry of the Islands, 329 
Jespersen,B.Mosby, 121 
Johnson, Bruce N., 122 
Johnson, Carolyn, 336 
Jorgenson, Jens Peter, 123 
Journal of the State of California,  
Journeyman Press,1 
Juron, Joe, 124

Kardell, Margaret, 125 
Kaufman, Alan, 126 
Kaye, Frances W., 127 
Keene, James R, 312 
Kerouac, Jack, 32, 301 
King Albert's Book ... , 120 
Kingman, Russ, 128-130, 293,340 
Kipling, Rudyard, 85, 314 
Knowles, Bill, 131 
Knox, Alexander, 323 
Koenig, Jacqueline, 132-139 
Korean, 266, 268 
Kraft, Stephanie, 388 
Kroll, E. Keith, 140, 141 
Kuleshov, Lev Vladimirovich, 326 
Kumin, Michael, 142 
Kummings, Donald D., 143, 150 
Kunchev, Bozhidar, 144 
Kuprin, Alexander, 114

Labor, Earle, 75, 145-158, 167, 316,335,337,383,386 
Lacassin, Francis, 159-161,361 
Lachtman, Howard, 154, 162-177 
La Giungla e Il Grattacielo: Gil Scrittori e Il Sogno Americano 1865-1920,387 
Lampkin, Loretta, 178 
Lampson, Robin, 179-181 
L'Appel de la vie series, 361 
Larsen, Wolf, 20, 228 
"Law of Life, The," 62, 194,232 
Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race, 315 
Lebanidze, G., 182 
Leiber, Fritz, 183 Leipzig, 8 
Leitz III, Robert C., 184-186,337 
Lessa, Richard, 187 
Letter(s), 39, 76, 89,148, 182,249, 252,300,308,337 
Letters of Jack London, The, 337 
Lewis, Alfred Henry, 199


All Soviet State Library of Foreign Literature, 381 
El Paso Public Library, 291 
Henry E. Huntington Library, 92 
Oakland Public Library, 24, 116 
Riverside City and County Public Library, 59 
University of California, Berkeley, 116

Life , 186 
Lindsay, Jack, 1 
Literaturnia Rossiia (Literary Russia), 27, 110 
Littell, Katherine M., 188, 189 
Little Lady of the Big House, The, 65 
London, Becky, 181,331 
London, Charmian, 74, 249, 261, 307 
London Collector, The, 389 
London, England, 1, 377 
London, Joan, 28, 144, 180, 190, 253,255,286,288 
London, John, 294 
Los Angeles Times, 47 
Lost Face, 246 
Ludlum, Charles, 417 
Luebke. Steven R . 191

Maffi.Mario, 193. 194.387 
Magnus. Maurice. 290 
Mandala. 386 
Martens. RobertW., 221 
Martin Eden. 9, 53. 57. 60, 93. 94, 193.210, 258, 301, 311 
"Martin Eden," poem, 414 
Martin. Stoddard, 195 
Mauberret, Noel. 53 
Maugham, W.S . 90 
McClintock. James 1, 141, 168. 196 
McDonald, Marie, 192 
McMillan. Marilyn, 197 
McNeel, Laird, 198 
Mehl, Jr . R. F., 199 
Memorial, 180, 253, 288 
Memories, 28, 331 
Messenger, Christian, 200 
"Mexican, The," 6,138 
Michael, Brother of Jerry,329 
Middagh, Winifred M., 201 
Miller, Joan London (See London, Joan) 
Miner, Madonne M., 202 
Mohan, Chandra, 203, 204 
Mongrel Mettle, 235 /p 
"Monsieur Londre and the Pear Buyer," 11 
Monteiro, George, 205-207 
Moreland, David A., 208, 209 
Morgan, Lee, 386 
Morgan,Ricbard, 210 
Morrill,Sibley S.,211


Assassination Bureau, The,2 
By The Law, 326 
Sea Wolf, The,324, 330 
(See also Reviews, Movie and TV) 
Murray, Timothy D., 212 
Mutiny of the Elsinore, The,33:

Naso, Anthony J., 213 
Naturalism, 54, 69, 109,210, 315 
Ngoc-Pbung, N. T., 55 
Nicbol, Jobn W., 214 
Nicbolls, Ricbard E., 140,391 
Nicolson, Colin, 215 
Nielsen, J. O., 119 
Nietsche,Friedrich, 56, 230, 305 
No Castles on Main Street: American Authors on Their Homes, 388 
No Mentor But Myself, 272  
Norris, Frank, 85 
Norton, Daniel, 166 
Norton, Margaret, 166 
"Nose for the King, A." 268 
Noto, Sal, 216-223 
Novels, 42, 126, 195, 197,338 
Novels of Jack London: A Reappraisal, The, 338

O Tahiti, 11 
Oakland, 24, 116, 130, 283 
O'Connor, Richard, 298 
Orechwa, Olga P., 25, 153, 224, 225 
Oriard, Michael, 226 
Orwell, George, 227, 267 
Ostap, Martine Elizabeth, 228 
Our Hawaii, 74  
Ownbey, Ray Wilson, 152, 172,229

Parkay, Forrest Winston, 230 
Partington, Blanche, 252 
Pasqualini, Francois, 231 
PBS (Public Broadcasting System), 135 
People of the Abyss, The, 1, 84, 215 
Perry, John, 176,269,299 
Peters, John Gerard, 232 
Peterson, Clell T., 233 
Philosophy of Style, 319 
Pictorial Life of Jack London, A, 293 
"Piece of Steak, A," 96 
Plays (See Reviews, Play) 
Poem, 179,265,414 
Polish, 257 
Portugal, 45 
Powers, Richard, 175, 390 
Public, The 207

Racism, 126 
Realism, Realist, 13, 14, 203 
Recepcja Prozy Amerylamskiej W Polsce Ludowej W Latach, 1945-1965,225  
Recknagel, Dr. Rolf, 8 
"Red One, The," 18,31,37,123, 241 
Reed, A. Paul, 235 
Reed, Dean, 325 
Reesman, Jeanne Campbell, 236-238 (See also Campbell, Jeanne) 
Rehn, Mats, 239 
Reich, Kenneth E., 240 
Reprints, 1, 177, 179,243,254, 340

Reviews, Book

Alien Worlds of Jack London, The, 183 
American Fiction: 1900-1950: A Guide to Information Sources, 379 
American Short Fiction, Readings & Fiction,380 
Call of the Wild by Jack London: A Casebook with Text, Background Sources, Reviews, Critical Essays, and Bibliography, The,155 
Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Other Stories, The, 317 
Critical Essays on Jack London 333 
Curious Fragments: Jack London's Tales of Fantasy Fiction, 65 
Dzhek London, 26, 36, 381 
Fiction of Jack London: A Chronological Bibliography, The, 68, 196 
Fragmentos del Futuo, 382 
Great Short Works of Jack London, 383 
Irving Stone's Jack London, 263 
Jack: A Biography of Jack London, 171, 289 
Jack London, 167, 316 
Jack London: A Bibliography, 294 
Jack London: An American Myth, 269,299 
Jack London - An American Radical?, 336 
Jack London and Conan Doyle; A Literary Kinship, 270 
Jack London and His Times-An Unconventional Biography, 296 
Jack London, A Reference Guide, 295 
Jack London: A Trilogy, 335 
Jack London Centennial Pieces, 105 
Jack London: Essays in Criticism, 152, 172 
Jack London First Editions: Illustrated - A Chronological Reference Guide, 221 
Jack London in Retrospect, 106 Jack London in the South Seas, 17 
Jack London: Leben und Werk eines Rebellen (Jack London: The Life and Work of a Rebel),
Jack London (on the Centennial of His Birth), 153 
Jack London on the Road: The Tramp Diary and other Hobo Writings, 173 
Jack London Reports, 51, 296 
Jack London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 174,384 
Jack London Starmont Readers Guide 15), 334 
Jack London, the Man, the Writer, the Rebel, 271 
La Giungla e Il Grattacielo: Gil Scrittori e Sogno Americano 1865-1920,387 
Lajungle, 385 
Letters of Jack London, The, 337 
London Collector, The, 389 
Mandala, 386 
No Castles on Main Street: American Authors on Their Homes, 388 
No Mentor But Myself, 72 
Novels of Jack London: A Reappraisal, The, 338 
People of the Abyss, The, 1 
Pictorial Life of Jack London, A, 293 
Road, The, 254 
Science Fiction of Jack London, The, 
Search for Jack London, A, 378 
Solitary Comrade: Jack London and His Work, 306 
Sporting Blood: Selections from Jack London's Greatest Sports Writings, 154 
Thirteen Tales of Terror, 176 
Tools of My Trade: Annotated Books in Jack London's Library, The, 339 
Unabridged Jack London, The 140,391 
War, 340 
White Logic, 168 
Wonder of Woman,177

Reviews, Movie and TV

Call of the Wild, The,(fi1m), 132, 133; (TV) 137 
Fighter, The, (fi1m), 138 
Jack London: A Personal Perspective, (TV), 135 
Sea Wolf, The, (fi1m), 323, 32 
To Build a Fire, (TV), 377 
Wolf Larsen,(fi1m), 341

Reviews, Plays

Daughters of the Rich, 
170 Dear Comrades, 166 
First Poet, The, 98 
Gold: A Play in Three Acts, 169 

Reviews of Jack London's work: List of, 185, 186, 197, 207 
Riber, Jorgen, 241 
Road, The, 191, 254 
Roberts, Dorothy H., 242 
Roosevelt, Theodore, 82 
Russia, 25, 27,110, 114, 153, 182, 326 (See also Soviet Union)

Sailor on Horseback, 201 
Sandburg, Charles A., 243 
Schlottman, David Henry, 105, 244 
Science fiction, 175,275,390 
Science Fiction of Jack London, The, 175,390 
Scorn of Women, 310 
Search for Jack London, A, 77, 378 
Sea-Wolf,The,35,67,70,109, 187,202,222,228,230,277, 305,324,327,330 
Seed, D., 245 
Shakespeare, William, 62 
Shepard,I. Milo,337 
Shepard, Irving, 51, 157,296 
Sherko, Arthur, 246 
Sherman, Joan, 295 
Short stories; works, 58, 97, 380, 
382,383 Shuyan,Li,247 
Silet, Charles L. P., 248, 249 
Silet, Sharon Sperry, 249 
Sinclair,Andrew,171,250,289, 317 
Sinclair, Upton, 3, 5, 161,248, 249,257,385 
Sisson, James E., 68, 151, 196, 221,251-255 
Smoke Bellew, 107 
Snark, 208  
Socialist, 117, 188, 189 
Solensten, John, 256 
Solitary Comrade: Jack London and His Work, 306 "Some Monstrous Worm," 22 
Son of the Wolf, The, 100, 198 
Sonoma State University, 134 
Sorgenstein, Samuel, 27, 144, 182,257 
Sotheby Parke Bernet, 118 
South Sea fiction, 209 
Soviet Union, 25, 111-113, 115 224, 381 (See also Russia. Russian) 
Spangler, George M., 258 
Spanish, 382 
Spanish American, 58 
Spectrum, 260 
Spencer, Herbert, 127, 213, 319 
Spinner, Jonathan H., 259 
Sport, 240 
Sporting Blood: Selections from Jack London's Greatest Sports Writings, 154  
Sports fiction, 226 
Stanford University, 179,223,392 
Starr, Kevin, 162 
Star Rover, The, 266,308,318,320,321,415,417 
Stasz, Clarice, 261-263< 
Sterling, George, 15,89,98,99 
St. John, Jeffrey, 260 
Stone, Irving, 148,263 
Strang, Adam, 266 
"Stranger Than Fiction," 110 
Strunsky, Anna, 124 
Stuart, Jesse, 235 
Sweden, 239 
Sweeney, Ben, 264, 265, 348 
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 311 
Szkup, Jerzy, 225

Tambling, Victor R. S., 266-273 
Tass Journal, 117  
Tauzer, Brook, 106 
Tavernier-Courbin, Jacqueline, 274-276, 333 (See also Courbin, Jacqueline) 
Teacher, Lawrence, 140,391 
Thesis, 19, 213 
Thirteen Tales of Terror, 176  
Thornton, John, 132, 133 
"Thousand Deaths, A " 66 
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, 230 
Tintner, Adeline R., 277 
"To Build a Fire," 33,69,377 
Tomorrow, 243 
Tools of My Trade: Annotated Books in Jack London's Library, The, 339  
"To the Man on Trail," 156 
Translated, 25, 27, 55,110, 114, 119, 121, 144, 153, 159, 160, 161,182,257,343,357,370, 382 
Tribune, A Labour Weekly, 342 
Tschomakoff, Peter, 144 
Tsujii, Eiji, 278-283 
TV Reviews (See Reviews, Movie and TV) 
Tweney, George H., 284-286, 294 
20th Century Fox, 133

Unabridged Jack London, The, 140,391 br>"Unexpected, The," 326 
United Artists, 138 
U. S. Senate, 288 
University of California, Berkeley, 139,211 
University of the Pacific, 164, 234 
Upton, Ann, 287

Van Der Beets, Richard, 380 
Van Weyden, Humphrey, 228 
Vietnamese, 55

Walker, Dale L., 68, 128, 129, 165,174,183,196,270,272, 289-300,384 
Walsh, Joy, 301 
"War," 108,340,412 
Ward, Susan, 302, 303 
Ware, Elaine, 304 
Warner Brothers, 323, 327 
Watson, Jr., Charles N., 305-307 
"Way of War, The," poem, 265 
Webb, Donald A., 308 
Weiderman, Richard, 105,309,310, 389 
Weitzel, RoyL., 311 
Westbrook, Wayne W., 312 
"When God Laughs," 50 
White Fang, 49, 86,146,315,317 
White Logic, 141, 168  
"Wife of a King, The," 276 
Wilcox, Earl, 155,313-317 
Williams, James, 318-321 
Williams, Tony,322-341 
Willingham. John R., 386 
Wilson, Pamela, 57 
Winnick, David, 342 
Wirzberger, Karl-Heinz, 343 
WLT2*, 395-411 (See also Jack London: A Bibliography)  
Wolf House, 73 
Wolf Larsen, 341 (See also Larsen, Wolf) 
Woman, 177, 199 
Womb of Time: Archetypal Patterns in the Novels of Jack London, The, 42

Women, 302, 310 
Wonder of Woman, 177  
Woodbridge, Annie, 159, 161 
Woodbridge, Hensley C., 144, 159, 160,239,294,308,322,344 
Woodbridge, Ruby Susan, 343 
Woodress, James, 379 
Woodward, Robert W., 412-417 

Zamen, Mark E., 418 Zverev, A. M., 153

Alphabetical Index by Author: Numbers refer to Topic listing above

  1. Ahearn, Marie L. Review of The People of the Abyss, by Jack London. 1903. Reprint, with an introduction by Jack Lindsay. London: Journeyman Press, 1977. 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 162-163.
  2. Allan, Edward. "The Assassination Bureau Filmed." 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 32-33.
  3.  __ . "Jack London and Upton Sinclair." 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 2227.
  4.  __ . "More on the Movie Version of The Assassination Bureau." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 70.
  5.  __ . "Upton Sinclair on Jack London in 1963." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 77-78.
  6. Bain, ill, Joe S. "Interchapter: Jack London's The Mexican.'" 15 (Sept-Dec. 1982): 115-118.
  7. Baskett, Sam S. "Introductory Remarlcs." Seventeenth Annual Conference of the College English Association, 10-12 April 1986. 19 (Sept-Dec. 1986):90.
  8. Beilke, MarIan. "London in Leipzig." Review of Jack London: Leben und Werk eines Rebellen (Jack London: The Life and Work of a Rebel), by Dr. Rolf Recknagel. 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 114-117.
  9. Bennett, Kenneth I. "Jack London's Martin Eden: Fire and Water." 17 (Jan.-Apr. 1984): 11-17.
  10.  __ . "Julio Cortazar and Jack London." 18 (Jan.-Apr. 1985): 4748 .
  11. Berry, Jeff. "Monsieur Londre and the Pearl Buyer." 0 Tahiti, September 1972. 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 13-22.
  12. Besant, Larry X. "Jack London and Luther Burbank: Friends and Neighbors?" 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 66-73.
  13. Blackman, Jr., Gordon N. "Jack London: Visionary Realist." 13 (Sept-Dec. 1980): 82-95.
  14. __ . "Jack London: Visionary Realist - Part n." 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 1-12.
  15. Bouwman, Fred. "George Sterling and Jack London: A Literary Friendship." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 108-110.
  16. Brazil, John. "Politics and Art: The Integrated Sensibility of Jack London." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 1-11.
  17. Brewster, Jim. Review of Jack London in the South Seas, by A. Grove Day. 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 41-44.
  18. Brown, Ellen. "A Perfect Sphere: Jack London's 'The Red One.''' 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 81-85.
  19. Bubka, Tony. "Introduction, Review of Literature, Summary and Conclusions as Well as the Section: Death, Cremation and Burial From A Jack London Bibliography .. ." M.A. thesis. 2 (Jan.-Apr. 1969): 26-42.
  20. Bukoski, Anthony. "Jack London's Wolf Larsen: Nietzschean Super Man at All? 7 (Sept-Dec. 1974): 109-110.
  21. Burstein, Harold M. "Bibliographical Assistance Solicited." 8 (Jan.Apr. 1975): 20-21.
  22. Burton, Lou. "'Some Monstrous Worm.''' 7 (Sept-Dec. 1974): 117-121.
  23. Bush, Glen P. "The Pastoral and the Violent: Jack London's Literary Dialectic." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 52-57.
  24. Buxton, Frances. "Jack London Collection and Research Center, Oakland Public Library, 125 14th Street." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 37-40.
  25. Bykov, Vii. "The Centennial of Jack London's Birth in the Soviet Union." Translated from the Russian by Olga Orechwa. 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 7-10.
  26.  __ . "A Comment on Vera Colin's Review of Bykov's Dzhek London." 3 (Jan.-Apr. 1970): 35-36.
  27.  __ . "Memorable Dates. New Facts About Jack London." Literaturnia Rossiia (Literary Russia),No.3 (419), 15 January 1971. Translated from the Russian by Samuel Sorgenstein. 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 47-48.
  28. __ . "Memories AboutJoan London." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 9-10.
  29.  __ . "A Reply to the Hoffmeister Review." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 25.
  30. __ . "The Traditions of Jack London." 1 (July-Dec. 1968): 62-66.
  31. Campbell, Jeanne. "Falling Stars: Myth in The Red One.''' 11 (MayDec. 1978): 86-96.
  32. Chessey, Bob. "Jack London's Influence on the Life-Style of Jack Kerouac." 15 (Sept.-Dec. 1982): 158-165.
  33. Clasby, Nancy. "Jack London's 'To Build a Fire' - A Mythic Reading." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 48-51.
  34. Clayton, Lawrence. "The Ghost Dog, a Motif in The Call of the Wild." 5 (Sept-Dec. 1972): 158.
  35. __ . "The Sea-Wolf. London's Commedia." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 50-54.
  36. Colin, Vera. Review of Dzhek London, by Vil Bykov. 2 (Sept -Dec. 1969): 105-113.
  37. Collins, Billy G. "Jack London's 'The Red One': Journey to a Lost Heart." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 1-6.
  38. Conlon, Stephen. "Jack London and the Working Class." 17 (Sept-Dec. 1984): 79-91.
  39. Cook, George. "London's Bookman Letters." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 81-87.
  40. __ . "Meeting Jack London's Bishop." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 4243.
  41. Cooper, James Glennon. "The Summit and The Abyss: Jack London's Moral Philosophy." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 24-27.
  42.  __ . "The Womb of Time: Archetypal Patterns in the Novels of Jack London - Excerpt." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 12-23; Excerpts." 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 1-5; Excerpts from Chapter II: The Hero.'" Ph.D. dissertation. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 16-28.
  43. Courbin, Jacqueline M. "Jack London's Portrayal of the Natives in His First Four Collections of Arctic Tales." 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 127-137.
  44. Culwell, R Hunter. "Jack London Real Estate in Public Domain (Birth of Jack London State Historic Park)." 1 (July-Dec. 1968): 68-75.
  45. Daghlian, Carlos. "Jack London in Brazil and Portugal." 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 22-27.
  46. Davis, William H. L. "My Visit to Jack London." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 58-65.
  47. Dean, Paul. "Curator of the Legend of Jack London: Call of the Wild Writer." Los Angeles Times, 13 February 1980. 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 22-26.
  48. DeGruson, Gene. "Jack London and E. Haldeman-Julius." 3 (Jan.Apr. 1970): 1-7.
  49. DeVore, Lynn. "The Descent of White Fang." 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 122-126.
  50. Dhondt. Steven T. "Jack London's When God Laughs: Overman, Underdog and Satire." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 51-57.
  51. __ . Review of Jack London Reports. Edited by King Hendricks and Irving Shepard. 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 108-110.
  52. __ . "'There is a Good Time Coming': Jack London's Spirit of Proletarian Revolt." 3 (Jan.-Apr. 1970): 25-34.
  53. DiMiceli, Caroline, and Noel Mauberret. "Exchange, Gift and Death in Jack London's Martin Eden." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 31-35.
  54. Dodson, Mary Kay. "Naturalism in the Works of Jack London." 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 130-139.
  55. Duc, Do Duc. "Jack London's Dream at the Turn of the Century." Translated from the Vietnamese by N. T. Ngoc-Phuong. 6 (Sept.Dec. 1973): 133-.145.
  56. Dunford, Michael. "Further Notes on Jack London's Introduction to the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche." 10 (Jan.-Ape. 1977): 3942.
  57. Dunn, N. E., and Pamela Wilson. "The Significance of Upward Mobility in Martin Eden." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 1-8.
  58. Echevarria, E. A. "Jack London and the Spanish American Regional Short Story." 18 (May-Aug. 1985): 57-61.
  59. Ellis, Harold D. "Exhibit of Jack London Material at the Riverside (Calif.) City and County Public Library." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 28.
  60. Erbentraut, Edwin B. "The Intellectual Undertow in Martin Eden." 3 (Jan.-Apr. 1970): 12-24.
  61. __ . "JackLondon,D.Litt" 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 159-163.
  62. __ . "Jack London, William Shakespeare, and The Law of Life.''' 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 138-141.
  63. __ . "The Key to Complexity: Jack London and the Theory of Complementarity." 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 119-122.
  64.  __ . "The Protean Imperative." 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 153-157.
  65.  __ . "The Symbolic Triad in London's The Little Lady of the Big House." 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 82-89.
  66.  __ . '''A Thousand Deaths': Hyperbolic Anger." 4 (Sept.-Dec. 1971): 125-129.
  67.  __ . "'What's It All About?': A Transilient Event in The SeaWolf." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 136-138.
  68. Pick, Alvin S. "Warning: Can be Addictive." Review of The Fiction of Jack London, by Dale L. Walker and James E. Sisson III. 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 124-125.
  69. Findley, Sue. "Naturalism in 'To Build a Fire.'" 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 45-48.
  70. Fischler, Lee Lawrence. "The Unreliable Narrator in London's The Sea-Wolf." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 28-34.
  71. Flink, Andrew. "Call of the Wild--Jack London's Catharsis." 11 (Jan.Apr. 1978): 12-19.
  72. __ . "Call of the Wild--Parental Metaphor." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 58-61.
  73. __ . "The Three Faces of the Wolf House." 4 (Sept.-Dec. 1971): 151-155.
  74. __ , compo "Index to Our Hawaii," by Charmian London (1917). 18 (Jan.-Apr. 1985): 1-35.
  75. Forrey, Robert "Labor's Love Lost" 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 48-51.
  76. __ . "An Open Letter." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 100-101.
  77. Freeman, A. W. "Notes onA Search for Jack London." 7 (Sept-Dec. 1974): 107-108.
  78. Frey, Charles. "Contradiction in The Call of the Wild." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 35-37.
  79. Fujiwara, Sakae. "Jack London's Socialism: A Summary of One Chapter from Jack London in Connection With the American Dream." 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 73-81.
  80. Gatti, Susan Irvin. "Jack London on Boxing: The Manly Art of Making It." 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 77-85.
  81. Gershenowitz, Harry. "Jack London, Quasi-Neo-Lamarckian." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 99-101.
  82.  __ . "The Natmal History Controversy Between Theodore Roosevelt and Jack London: A Life Scientist's View." 14 (May-Aug. 1981): 80-82.
  83. __ . "Richard Harding Davis and Jack London: An Ambivalent Relationship." 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 55-57.
  84. Giles, James R. "Jack London 'down and out' in England: The Relevance of the Sociological Study People of the Abyss to London's Fiction." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 79-83.
  85. __ . "Some Notes on the Red-Blooded Reading of Kipling by Jack London and Frank Norris." 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 56-62.
  86. __ . "Thematic Significance of the Jim Hall Episode in White Fang," 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 49-50.
  87. Glancy, Donald R. '''Anything to Help Anybody': The Authorship of Daughters of the Rich." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 19-26.
  88. Gower, Ronald "The Creative Conflict Struggle and Escape in Jack London's Fiction." 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 118-119; 4 (May-Aug. 1971): 77-114.
  89. Gross, Dalton. "Seventeen George Sterling Letters Selected and Edited." 1 (July-Dec. 1968): 41-61.
  90. Haire, David B., and Dennis E. Hensley. "A Comparative Look at W. S. Maugham and Jack London." 8 (Sept-Dec. 1975): 114-118.
  91. Hamby, James A. "Note on Jack London: A View in Oil." 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 102-103.
  92. Hamilton, David Mike. "Fifty- Three Years of Jack London at the Huntington." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 56-60.
  93. __ . "The Tauchnitz Martin Eden." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 42-43.
  94. Haney, William. "Martin Eden: The Failure of Individualism." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 38-41.
  95. Harty, Kevin J. "Dissertations on Jack London, 1936-1987: Evidence for Canonicity." 20 (May-Dec. 1987): 58-62.
  96. Hatchel. Linda. "Animal Imagery in London's 'A Piece of Steak.'" 8 (Sept-Dec. 1975): 119-121.
  97. Hattenhauer, Darryl. "The Shadow in Three Short Stories by Jack London." 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 74-76.
  98. Henry, James L. "The First Poet: Jack London or George Sterling?" Play. 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 60-65.
  99.  __ . "Give A Man A Boat He Can Sail." (George Sterling letters) 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 23-29.
  100.  __ . "A Proposed Chronology of Editions of The Son of the Wolf." 3 (Jan.-Apr. 1970): 8-11.
  101.  __ . "The Toast: A Turn-of-the-Century Fad." 11 (Jan.-Apr. 1978): 29-30.
  102. Hensley, Dennis E. "Jack London Centennial Banquet." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 153-155.
  103. __ . "Jack London Speaks About Writing." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 43-47.
  104. __ . "A Note on Jack London's Use of Black Humor." 8 (Sept.Dec. 1975): 110-113.
  105. __ . Review of Jack London Centennial Pieces. Edited by Richard Weiderman and David H. Schlottman. 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 139-140.
  106. __ . Review of Jack London in Retrospect, by Brook Tauzer. 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 102-103.
  107.  __ . "Sherlock Holmes and Smoke Bellew." 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 129-132.
  108. __ . "'War': Jack London's The Red and the Black." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 73-77.
  109.  Hindman, Kathleen B. "Jack London's The Sea-Wolf". Naturalism With a Spiritual Bent" 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 99-110.
  110. Hoffmeister, Charles Christian. "Introduction to Bykov's Russian Translation of 'Stranger Than Fiction.'" Literatumia Rossiia, December 17, 1971. Translated from the Russian by Charles Hoffmeister. 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 24.
  111.  __ . "Recent Soviet Attention to Jack London - I" 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 23.
  112.  __ . "Recent Soviet Attention to Jack London - II." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 57-59.
  113.  __ . "Recent Soviet Attention to Jack London - III." 6 (Sept.Dec. 1973): 131-132.
  114.  __ . "A Short Note on Alexander Kuprin and Jack London." Translated from the Russian and introduced by Charles Christian Hoffmeister. 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 135-138.
  115. __ . "A Soviet View of Eugene Debs." 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 179183.
  116. Hoffmeister, Karl-Christian. "Brief Commentary on the London Collections of the Oakland Public and DC (Berkeley) Libraries." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 62-64.
  117. "The Inspiration of Jack London, Man of Adventure, Writer of Genius, Militant Socialist." The Draughtsman (continued by Tass Journal). N.p., January 1956. 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 34-41.
  118. "Jack London in the Sotheby Parke Bernet (Los Angeles) Auction of October 21,1973." 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 161-162.
  119. "Jack London--Lone Wolf and Social Critic." Translated from the Danish by J. O. Nielsen. 8 (Sept-Dec. 1975): 107-109.
  120.  "Jack London on King Albert of Belgium." King Albert's Book ... 1914, p. 122. 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 21.
  121. Jespersen, B. Mosby. "Fifty Years Since Jack London Died." Translated from the Danish by Henry A. Clausen. 2 (Jan.-Apr. 1969): 1-4.
  122. Johnson, Bruce N. "Ftrst Annual East Coast Meeting." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 109.
  123. Jorgenson, Jens Peter. "Jack London's 'The Red One': A Freudian Approach." 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 101-103.
  124. Joron, Joe. "Jack London and Anna Strunsky." 17 (Sept-Dec. 1984): 95-100.
  125. Kardell, Margaret M. "Jack London's The Acorn Planter." 9 (Sept-.Dec. 1976): 143-148.
  126. Kaufman, Alan. "We're Saxons ... and Not Dagoes': The Role of Racism in Jack London's Late Novels." 16 (Sept-Dec. 1983): 96103.
  127. Kaye, Frances W. "Jack London's Modification of Herbert Spencer." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 67-72.
  128. Kingman, Russ. "Jack London Works by Dale L. Walker." 13 (Sept-Dec. 1980): 78-81.
  129.  __ . '''Keeper of the Flame' - A Mini-Biography of Dale L. Walker." 13 (Sept.-Dec. 1980): 75-77.
  130.  __ . "London's Yukon Cabin Now at Jack London Square in Oakland, California" 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 104-107.
  131. Koenig, Jacqueline. "Charlton Heston's John Thornton." Review of The Call of the Wild (multi-national combine movie), 1975. 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 157-158.
  132. __ . "Clark Gable's John Thornton." Review of The Call of the Wild (20th Century Fox movie), 1935. 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 159-161.
  133. __ . "Jack!" Review of play as performed by Theatre Arts students, Sonoma (Calif.) State University, April 1979. 14 (Sept.Dec. 1981): 116-118.
  134. __ . "Jack London, With William Devane." Review of Jack London: A Personal Perspective (PBS televised docudrama), January, 1982. 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 49-52.
  135. __ . "Jack London's The Call of the Wild." 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 127-129.
  136.  __ . Review of televised production '''CBS Library ... Children." (The Call of the Wild was one of three books introduced on show, 4 March 1980.) 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 37-38.
  137. __ . Review of The Fighter, based on "The Mexican" (United Artists movie), 1952. 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 97-98.
  138.  __ . "UC, Berkeley, Celebrates Jack London." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 29-30.
  139. Kroll, E. Keith. Review of The Unabridged Jack London. Edited by Lawrence Teacher and Richard E. Nicholls. 14 (May-Aug. 1981): 85.
  140. __ . comp. "Index to James I. McOintock's White Logic." 19 (May-Aug. 1986): 47-54.
  141. Kumin, Michael. "The Call of the Wild: .London's Seven Stages of Allegory." 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 86-98.
  142. Kummings, Donald D. "London and the American Tradition in Literature." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 105-107.
  143. Kunchev, Bozhidar. "Worthy of the Name of a Great Writer: My Correspondence With Joan London." Translated from the Bulgarian by Peter Tschomakoff and Samuel Sorgenstein and edited by Hensley C. Woodbridge. 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 38-39; 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 141-142.
  144. Labor, Earle. "Jack London in Denmark." 8 (Sept-Dec. 1975): 95100.
  145.  __ . "Jack London's Mondo Cane: The Call of the Wild and White Fang." 1 (July~Dec. 1967): 2-13.
  146. __ . "The Making of a Major Author: Jack London and the Politics of Literary Reputation." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 100-104.
  147. __ . "An Open Letter to Irving Stone." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 114116.
  148.  __ . "Portrait of the Artist as Professional." 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 93-98.
  149. __ . "Responses to Donald Kummings' Questions." 19 (Sept-Dec. 1986): 108.
  150.  __ . Review of "Herbert Heron and Jack London, Gold: A Play in Three Acts." Manuscript preparation by James E. Sisson. 5 (Sept.Dec. 1972): 169-171.
  151. __ . Review of Jack London: Essays in Criticism. Edited by Ray Wilson Ownbey. 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 74-76.
  152. __ . Review of Jack London (on the Centennial of His Birth), by A. M. Zverev. Translated from the Russian and edited by Olga Orechwa. 13 (Sept.-Dec. 1980): 105-107.
  153. __ . Review of Sporting Blood: Selections from Jack London's Greatest Sports Writings. Edited by Howard Lachtman. 15 (May Aug. 1982): 100-102.
  154. __ . Review of The Call of the Wild by Jack London: A Casebook with Text, Background Sources, Reviews, Critical Essays, and Bibliography. Compiled and with introduction by Earl J. Wilcox. 14 (Sept-Dec. 1981): 119-121.
  155. __ . "'To the Man on Trail': Jack London's Christmas Carol." 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 90-94.
  156. __ . "A Tribute to Irving Shepard, 1899-1975." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 61-63.
  157. __ . "A Tribute to King Hendricks (1900-1970)." 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 41.
  158. Lacassin, Francis. "A Classic of the Revolt" Translated from the French by Annie Woodbridge with notes by Hensley C. Woodbridge. 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 71-78.
  159. __ . "Jack London Between the Challenge of the Supernatural and the Last Judgment" Translated from the French by Jack Hockett, with notes by Hensley C. Woodbridge. 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 59-65.
  160. __ . "Upton Sinclair and Jack London: A Great Friendship ... by Correspondence." Translated from the French by Annie Woodbridge. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 1-7.
  161. Lachtman, Howard. "The Curious Case of Kevin Starr, Critic." 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 154-160.
  162. __ . "Jack London Centennial Birthday Banquet." 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 149-152.
  163. __ . "Jack London Conference at the University of the Pacific (Stockton, California: March 23, 1974)." 7 (Sept-Dec. 1974): 9699.
  164. __ . "Jack London in Orbit A Review of Dale Walker's Curious Fragments: Jack London's Tales of Fantasy Fiction." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 29-32.
  165. __ . "Jack London on Stage: A Review of Dear Comrades." Play by Margaret and Daniel Norton, as performed in Sonoma (Calif.) 1966. 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 129-134.
  166. __ . "Labor's Love, A Review of Earle Labor's Jack London." 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 111-116.
  167. __ . "Master Craftsman and Master Critic: A Review of James McClintock's White Logic." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 66-70.
  168. __ . Review of "All That Glitters: Jack London's Gold." 5 (Sept Dec. 1972): 172-178.
  169. __ . Review of "Daughters of the Rich: A New Jack London Play." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 11-15.
  170. __ . Review of Jack: A Biography of Jack London, by Andrew Sinclair. 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 171-172.
  171. __ . Review of Jack London: Essays in Criticism. Edited by Ray Wilson Ownbey. 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 58-59.
  172. __ . Review of Jack London on the Road: The Tramp Diary and Other Hobo Writings. Edited by Richard W. Etulian. 14 (Jan.Apr. 1981): 40-41.
  173. __ . Review of Jack London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, by Dale L. Walker. 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 79-81.
  174. __ . Review of The Science Fiction of Jack London. Edited by Richard Powers. 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 71-72.
  175. __ . Review of Thirteen Tales of Terror. Edited and with an introduction by John Perry. 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 42-44.
  176. __ . Review of Wonder of Woman, by Jack London. 1912. Reprint Grand Rapids, MI: Wolf House Books, 1976. 9 (Jan.Apr. 1976): 8-9.
  177. Lampkin, Loretta M. "Jack London and the Reluctant Reader-AnotherDimension." 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 146-150.
  178. Lampson, Robin. "Jack: London." Poem reprinted from The Stanford Cardinal, February 1921. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 56.
  179. __ . "Remarks at the Memorial Service for Joan London in Berkeley, California, January 21, 1971." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 33-36.
  180. Lampson, Robin, and Bess London Fleming. "Further Notes on Jack London Newsletter, Volume 2, pp. 42-43 (Jan-Apr. 1969);" 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 123.
  181. Lebanidze, G. "Researches and Findings. A Letter from Jack London." Pravda, 14 October 1970, p. 6. Translated from the Russian by Samuel Sorgenstein. 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 99-100.
  182. Leiber, Fritz. Review of The Alien Worlds of Jack London, by Dale L. Walker. 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 151-153.
  183. Leitz, Robert C. "Additions to the London Bibliography." 9 (Jan.Apr. 1976): 15.
  184. __ . "Jack London in 'Rhymed Reviews' and 'Impudent Interviews.'" 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 122-128.
  185. __ . "London in Life: An Annotated Checklist." Reviews of works by Jack London. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 10-14.
  186. Lessa, Richard. "Character and Perception in The Sea Wolf." 15 (Sept-Dec. 1982): 119-127.
  187. Littell, Katherine M. "Jack London Through the Socialist Looking Glass." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 23-28.
  188. __ . "The 'Nietzschean' and the Individualist in Jack London's Socialist Writings." 15 (May-Aug. 1982): 76-91.
  189. London, Joan. "A Tribute to My Father." 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 94-95.
  190. Luebke, Steven R. "The Roadas Autobiography." 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 99-105.
  191. McDonald, Marie. "On Rereading Jack London." 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 37-39.
  192. Maffi, Mario. "Jack London in Italy: On Some Recent Editions of Martin Eden." 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 12-19.
  193. __ . "'The Law of Life': Jack London and the Dialectic of Nature." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 42-45.
  194. Martin, Stoddard. "The Novels of Jack London." 14 (May-Aug. 1981): 48-71.
  195. McClintock, James 1. "A Review of The Fiction of Jack London: A Chronological Bibliography," by Dale L. Walker and James E. Sisson III. 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 164-168.
  196. McMillan. Marilyn, camp. "Unrecorded Contemporary Reviews of London's Novels." 1 (July-Dec. 1967): 14-17.
  197. McNeel, Laird. "More on The Son of the Wolf" 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 135-136.
  198. Mehl, Jr., R F. "Jack London, Alfred Henry Lewis, and Primitive Woman." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 66-70.
  199. Messenger, Christian. "Jack London and Boxing in The Game." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 67-72.
  200. Middagh, Winifred M. "Jack London, Sailor on Horseback: Biography or Fiction?" 15 (Sept.-Dec. 1982): 132-157.
  201. Miner, Madonne M. ''It will be the [un]making of you.' Manhood Besieged in Jack London's The Sea- Wolf" 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 106-116.
  202. Mohan, Chandra. "Jack London's Art: His Critical Realism." 9 (SeptDec. 1976): 130-135.
  203. __ . "Jack London's Humanism." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 40-49.
  204. Monteiro, George. "Jack London: Additions to the Bibliography." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 78-79.
  205. __ . "Jack London: An Unrecorded Parody." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 65-66.
  206. __ . "Jack London in The Public." List of reviews of books by Jack London (from 1905-1916). 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 61-62.
  207. Moreland, David A. The Author as Hero: Jack London's The Cruise of the Snark. 14 (Sept.-Dec. 1981): 86-104; 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 57-75.
  208. __ . "Violence in the South Sea Fiction of Jack London." 16 (Jan.-Apr. 1983): 1-35.
  209. Morgan, Richard. "Naturalism. Socialism and Jack London's Martin Eden." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 13-22.
  210. Morrill, Sibley S. "Jack London: UC Rebel of '96." East Bay Magazine, December 1966. 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 100-106.
  211. Murray, Timothy D. "An Addendum to the Jack London Bibliography." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 90.
  212. Naso, Anthony J. "Jack London and Herbert Spencer." M.A. thesis. 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 13-34.
  213. Nichol, John W., compo "Jack London: A Bibliography, Addenda I." 2 (Sept-Dec. 1969): 84-87.
  214. Nicolson, Colin. "Jack London's The People of the Abyss." 17 (Jan.-Apr. 1984): 18-27.
  215. Noto, Sat. "Banquet Time Again--Happy 10Ist!" 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 11-12.
  216. __ . "'A Curious Fragment': A Brief Talk on Collecting First Editions. Delivered at the Jack London Centennial Birthday Banquet, January 12, 1976." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 39-41.
  217. __ . "Happy Birthday, Jack." 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 15-18.
  218. __ . "Jack London as Social Critic." 4 (Sept.-Dec. 1971): 145150.
  219. __ . "Jack London, Burlesque, and the 'Big Apple.'" 16 (Jan.Apr. 1983): 41-44.
  220. __ . Review of Jack London First Editions: Illustrated - A Chronological Reference Guide. Compiled by James E. Sisson III and Robert W. Martens. 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 60-62.
  221. __ . "The Sea Wolf. VA Myth Dispelled--Some First Issue Hairsplitting Over Jack London's Most Famous Sea Narrative." 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 53-56.
  222. __ , comp. "Jack London Inscriptions at Stanford University." 5 (Sept-Dec. 1972): 145-148.
  223. Orechwa, Olga P. "Recent Soviet Publications Commemorating the Centennial of Jack London's Birth." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 78-80.
  224. __ . Review of Jerzy Szkup, Recepcja Prozy Amerykanskiej W Polsce Ludowej W Latach 1945-1965. 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 6-7.
  225. Oriard, Michael. "Jack London: The Father of American Sports Fiction." 11 (Jan.-Apr. 1978): 1-11.
  226. Orwell, George. "Forces Educational Broadcast 'Jack London.'" 11 May-Dec. 1978): 33-40.
  227. Ostap, Martine Elizabeth. "Jack London's The Sea-Wolf. A Critical Analysis of Wolf Larsen and Humphrey Van Weyden." 15 (Sept-.Dec. 1982): 109-114.
  228. Ownbey, Ray. "Teaching Jack London." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 110111.
  229. Parkay, Forrest Winston. "The Influence of Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, on London's The Sea-Wolf." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 16-24.
  230. Pasqualini, Francois. "Jack London Blazed My Trail." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 36-38.
  231. Peters, John Gerard. "Nihilism in The Law ofUfe.'" 17 (Sept-Dec. 1984): 92-94.
  232. Peterson, Clell T. "London and Lorenz: A Brief note on Men and Dogs." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 46-49.
  233. "Rare Jack London Collection Presented to UOP." University of the Pacific (Calif.) Publicity Release. N.d. 4 (Sept.-Dec. 1971): 156157.
  234. Reed, A. Paul. "Running With the Pack: Jack London's The Call of the Wild and Jesse Stuart's Mongrel Mettle." 18 (Sept.-Dec. 1985): 96-99.
  235. Reesman, Jeanne Campbell. "Jack London--Kama'aina." 18 (Sept.Dec. 1985): 71-76.
  236. __ . "Jack London's Popular and Political Masks." 20 (May-Dec. 1987): 63-71.
  237. __ . "Knowledge and Identity in Jack London's Hawaiian Fiction." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 91-95.
  238. Rehn, Mats. "Jack London i Sverige: Studier i marknadsforing och litterart inflytande (Jack London in Sweden: The Diffusion and Influence of His Works)." PhD. dissertation, University of Stockholm, 1974. Commented upon by Hensley C. Woodbridge. 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 52-53.
  239. Reich, Kenneth E. "Sport in Literature: The Passion of Action." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 50-62.
  240. Riber, Jurgen. "Archetypal Patterns in The Red One.''' 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 104-106.
  241. Roberts, Dorothy H. "The Iron Heel: Socialism, Struggle, and Structure." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 64-66.
  242. Sandburg, Charles A. "Jack London: A Common Man." Reprint Tomorrow, 2,4: 35-39, April 1906. 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 14-18.
  243. Schlottman, David Henry. "To Build Yet Another Fire." 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 11-14.
  244. Seed, D. "The Apocalyptic Structure of Jack London's The Iron Heel." 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 1-11.
  245. Sherko, Arthur. "An Analogue for Lost Face." 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 95-98.
  246. Shuyan, Li. "Jack London in China." 19 (Jan.-Apr. 1986): 42-46.
  247. Silet, Charles L. P., ed. "Upton Sinclair to Jack London: A Literary Friendship." Introduction by Charles L. P. Silet. 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 49-76.
  248. Silet, Charles L. P., and Sharon Sperry Silet, eds .. "Charmian London to Upton Sinclair: Selected Letters." Introduction by Charles L. P. Silet and Sharon Sperry Silet. 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 25-46.
  249. Sinclair, Andrew. "A View of The Abyss." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 8695.
  250. Sisson, James E. "Jack London and the Daughters of the Rich." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 27-32.
  251. __ . "A Letter from Jack London to Miss Blanche Partington, Written April 9 1913." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 77-97.
  252. __ . "A Memorial to Joan London." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 1-5.
  253. __ . Review of The Road. 1907. Reprint, with an introduction by King Hendricks. Santa Barbara: Peregrine Publishing, Inc., 1970. 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 49-52.
  254. __ , comp. "A Chronological Bibliography of Writings by Joan London." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 6-8.
  255. Solensten, John. "Richard Harding Davis' Rejection of The Call of the Wild." 4 (May-Aug. 1971): 122-123.
  256. Sorgenstein, Samuel, trans. "The Truth About Jack London: Reminiscences of Upton Sinclair." Translated from the Polish Wiadomosci Literackie, 30 August 1925. 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 79-80.
  257. Spangler, George M. "Divided Self and World in Martin Eden." 9 (Sept-Dec. 1976): 118-126.
  258. Spinner, Jonathan H. "A Syllabus for the 20th Century: Jack London's The Call of the Wild." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 73-78.
  259. St. John, Jeffrey. "From the C.B.S. News Opinion Series, Spectrum." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 26-27.
  260. Stasz, Clarice. "Charmian London as a Writer." 11 (Jan.-Apr. 1978): 20-28.
  261. __ . "London and Eucalyptus: Not a Folly." 19 (May-Aug. 1986): 69-77.
  262. __ . Review of Irving Stone's Jack London, by Irving Stone. 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 164-168.
  263. Sweeney, Ben. "Jack London's Noble Lady." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 111-122.
  264. __ . "London's The Way of War': When? Where? Why?" Poem. 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): 9-13.
  265. Tambling, Victor R. S. "Adam Strang in Cho-Sen: The Korean Episode in The Star Rover." 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 1-36.
  266. __ . "Following in the Footsteps of Jack London: George Orwell, Writer and Critic." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 63-70.
  267. __ . "'A Nose for the King': Jack London's Version of a Korean Folk Story." 14 (May-Aug. 1981): 72-79.
  268. __ . Review of Jack London: An American Myth, by John Perry. 15 (May-Aug. 1982): 97-99.
  269. __ . Review of Jack London and Conan Doyle: A Literary Kinship, by Dale L. Walker. 14 (Sept.-Dec. 1981): 113-115.
  270. __ . Review of Jack London, the Man, the Writer, the Rebel, by Robert Barltrop. 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 169-170.
  271. __ . Review of No Mentor But Myself. Edited by Dale L. Walker. 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 77-78.
  272. __ . "Take a Pinch of Jack London: Interpretation, Not Interpolation, Urgently Required." 16 (Sept.-Dec. 1983): 104-105.
  273. Tavernier-Courbin, Jacqueline. "California and After: Jack London's Quest for the West." 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 41-54.
  274. __ . "Jack London's Science Fiction." 17 (Sept.-Dec. 1984): 7178.
  275. __ .. "The Wife of a King': A Defense." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 3438.
  276. Tintner, Adeline R. "Jack London's Use of Joseph Conrad's The End of the Tether in The Sea-Wolf." 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 61-65.
  277. Tsujii, Eiji. "The Accounts of Jack London's Death in the Japanese Press." 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 142-145.
  278. __ . "Jack London and the Yellow Peril." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 96-99.
  279. __ . "Jack London Items in the Japanese Press of 1904." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 55-58.
  280. __ . "Jack London Items in the Japanese Press of 1904: A Supplement" 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 31-33.
  281. __ . "To Make Jack London More Popular in Japan': A Commemorative Speech at the Sonoma National Golf Club on January 11, 1986." 19 (Sept-Dec. 1986): 116-118.
  282. __ . "A Visit to Oakland and Glen Ellen, Jack London's Home." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 63-67.
  283. Tweney, George H. "Jack London: Bibliographically and Biographically Speaking." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 9-22
  284. __ . "Jack London's Books in the Market." 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 140-144.
  285. __ . Review of Jack London and His Times--An Unconventional Biography, by Joan London. 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 29-31.
  286. Upton, Ann. "The Wolf in London's Mirror." 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 111-118.
  287. U. S. Senate. Journal of the State of California. "Senate Resolution 64, Relative to Memorializing Joan London Miller, 8 February 1971, p. 27. 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 159.
  288. Walker, DaleL. "The Exhumation of Jack: Andrew Sinclair's PathaBiography." Review of Jack: A Biography of Jack London, by Andrew Sinclair. 10 (Sept.-Dec. 1977): 119-126.
  289. __ . "Jack London and Maurice Magnus: An Annotation on a Strange Correspondent" 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 149-152.
  290. __ . "London Exhibit at the El Paso Public Library, May 15 June 15." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 105-107.
  291. __ . "Note to the Next London Biographer." 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 28.
  292. __ . Review of A Pictorial Life of Jack London, by Russ Kingman. 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 20-21.
  293. __ . Review of Jack London: A Bibliography, Georgetown, Calif.; Talisman Press, 1966. Compiled by Hensley C. Woodbridge, John London and George H. Tweney. Revised and enlarged edition. Millwood, N. Y.: Kraus-Thompson Organization, Ltd., 1973. 6 (Sept-Dec. 1973): 148-150.
  294. __ . Review of Jack London: A Reference Guide, by Joan Sherman. 10 (May-Aug. 1977): 117-118.
  295. __ . Review of Jack London Reports. Edited by King Hendrick: and Irving Shepard. 3 (Sept.-Dec. 1970): 111-117.
  296. __ . "Revisions on Horseback, Comparing the 'Sailors,' 1938, 1977." 13 (Jan.-Apr. 1980): 27-36.
  297. __ . "Richard O'Connor (1915-1975)." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 35-37.
  298. __ . "What About Booze and His Red-Blooded Beast Craze?"
  299. Review of Jack London: An American Myth, by John Perry. 15 (May-Aug. 1982): 92-96.
  300. __ . "William Tum Suden Bahls Remembers Jack London: Three Letters." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 98-104.
  301. Walsh, Joy. "Visions of Martin Eden AS Jack Kerouac." 14 (Sept-.Dec. 1981): 105-112.
  302. Ward, Susan. "Jack London's Women: Civilization vs. The Frontier. 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 81-85.
  303. __ . "Toward a Simpler Style: Jack London's Stylistic Development." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 71-80.
  304. Ware, Elaine. "Jack London's Before Adam: Social Criticism in the Guise of Fantasy." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 109-115,21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 117-123.
  305. Watson, Jr., Charles N. "Nietzsche and The Sea-Woif. A Rebuttal." (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 33-35.
  306. __ . Review of Solitary Comrade: Jack London and His Work, Joan Hedrick. 15 (Sept-Dec. 1982): 128-131.
  307. __ , comp. "An Index to The Book of Jack London," by Charmian London. 16 (May-Aug. 1983): 47-95.
  308. Webb, Donald A. Letter to Professor Hensley C. Woodbridge, July 21, 1980, from Donald A. Webb, President of Centenary College of Louisiana, about The Star Rover. 13 (Sept.-Dec. 1980): 96.
  309. Weiderman, Richard. "London Collectors and Their Books." 5 (MayAug. 1972): 126-128.
  310. __ . "Scorn of Women: Jack London's Rarest First Edition." 4 (May-Aug. 1971): 119-121.
  311. Weitzel, Roy L. "Toward a 'Bright White Light': London's Use of Swinbwne in Martin Eden." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 1-8.
  312. Westbrook. Wayne W. "Plucking the California Goose - Financier James R. Keene and Jack London's Burning Daylight." (May-Dec. 1978): 50-55.
  313. Wilcox, Earl "Jack London's Naturalism: The Example of The Call of the Wild." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 91-101.
  314. __ . "'The Kipling of the Klondike': Naturalism in London's Early Fiction." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 1-12.
  315. __ .. "Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang." 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 42-55.
  316. __ . Review of Jack London, by Earle Labor. 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 82.
  317. __ . Review of The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and Other Stories. Edited by Andrew Sinclair with introduction by James Dickey. 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 41.
  318. Williams, James. "Authorial Choice and Textual Meaning: The Sources of The Star Rover (part One)." 20 (May-Dec. 1987): 80119; (part Two) 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 1-65.
  319. __ . "An Essay Upon the Supposed Influence of Herbert Spencer's Philosophy of Style." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 22-30.
  320. __ . "Jack London's The Star Rover: A Case of Wrongful Neglect." 19 (Sept.-Dec. 1986): 96-99.
  321. __ . "Two Sources for The Star Rover." 17 (Jan.-Apr. 1984): 1-10.
  322. Williams, Tony. Acknowledgment. Comments on the Jack London Newsletter and Hensley C. Woodbridge, Editor. 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988):144.
  323. __ . "Alexander Knox on the Warner Brothers Version of The Sea-Wolf. Extracts from an interview. 18 (May-Aug. 1985): 49-51.
  324. __ . "Charley Furuseth - The Sea-Wolfs Absent Father." 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 1-21.
  325. __ . "Dean Reed as Jack London." 21 (Jan.-Dee. 1988): 145-1'
  326. __ . "From London's The Unexpected' to Kuleshov's By the La (Goskino Studio (Russia) movie). 19 (May-Aug. 1986): 55-68.
  327. __ . "History and Interpretation in the 1941 Version of Jack London's The Sea- Wolf' (Warner Brothers movie). 19 (May-Au 1986): 78-88.
  328. __ . "Jack London and the Dialogic Imagination." 21 (Jan.-~ 1988): 128-138.
  329. __ . "Jerry of the Islands and Michael, Brother of Jerry." 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 28-60.
  330. __ . "Literature, Film and The Dynamics of Exchange: An Analysis of Legend of The Sea-Wolf." 18 (May-Aug. 1985): 62-70.
  331. __ . "Memories of Jack: An Interview With Becky London." 1 (Jan.-Apr. 1986): 1-10.
  332. __ . "The Mutiny of the Elsinore - ARe-evaluation." 19 (Jan.Apr. 1986): 1341.
  333. __ . Review of Critical Essays on Jack London. Edited by Jacqueline Tavernier-Courbin. 21 (Jan.-Dee. 1988): 139-143.
  334. __ . Review of Jack London (Starmont Reader's Guide 15), by Gorman Beauchamp. 20 (Jan.-Apr. 1987): 36-40.
  335. __ . Review of Jack London: A Trilogy. Compiled by The Jad London Research Center, Glen Ellen, (Calif.) with an introduction (by Earle Labor. 19 (Jan.-Apr. 1986): 11.
  336. __ . Review of Jack London - An American Radical?, by Carol Johnston. 18 (May-Aug. 1985): 52-56.
  337. __ . Review of The Letters of Jack London. 3 vols. Edited by Earle Labor, Robert C. Leitz ill, and 1. Milo Shepard. 21 (Jan.Dec. 1988): 124-125.
  338. __ . Review of The Novels of Jack London: A Reappraisal, by Charles N. Watson, Jr. 18 (Sept-Dec. 1985): 77-90.
  339. __ . Review of The Tools of My Trade: Annotated Books in Jack London's Library, by David Mike Hamilton. 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 126-127.
  340. __ . Review of War, by Jack London. 1913. Reprint, with an introduction by Russ Kingman. The Jack London Researcb Center, Glen Ellen (Calif.), 1985. 19 (Jan.-Apr. 1986): 12.
  341. __ . Review of "Wolf Larsen (1958): An Allied Artists Production." 18 (Sept-Dec. 1985): 91-95.
  342. Winnick, David. "What Jack London (or Allende) Knew About the Enemies of Democracy." Tribune, A Labour Weekly (London, England). 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 8-10.
  343. Wirzberger, Karl-Heinz. "Jack London and the Goldrusb." Die Buchgemeinde, May 1967. Translated from the German by Ruby Susan Woodbridge. 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 146-147.
  344. Woodbridge, Hensley C., Editor. "Additional Notes." 5 (Jan.-Apr. 1972): Inside back cover.
  345. __ . "Additional Notes." 5 (May-Aug. 1972): 142-144.
  346. __ . "California: The Jack London Years, 1876-1976." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 54-55.
  347. __ . "Comments from Our Newsletter Subscribers." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 66.
  348. __ . "The Editor Apologizes to Ben Sweeney." 5 (Sept-Dec. 1972): 187.
  349. __ . "Editorial." Comments on the first issue of the Jack London Newsletter by Hensley C. Woodbridge, editor. 1 (July-Dec. 1967): 1.
  350. __ . "Editor's Note." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 44-45.
  351. __ . "Errata to Jack London Newsletter, 6 (1)." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): Inside back cover.
  352. __ . "Europe, Special Issue Devoted to Jack London." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 57-59.
  353. __ . "Foreign Language Collections and Anthologies." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 67-69.
  354. __ . "From the Editor's mail." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 102-103.
  355. __ . "A Further Note on Gold and 'A Days Lodging.'" 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 112-113.
  356. __ . "A Gift From Tony Bubka." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 29-30.
  357. __ . "Into What Languages Has London Been Translated? 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 84.
  358. __ . "Jack London: A Bibliography - A Supplement." 2 (Jan.-Apr. 1969): 5-25.
  359. __ . "Jack London: America's Most Underrepresented Major Literary Voice." Editor's note about papers presented at the Seventeenth Annual Conference of the College English Association, 10-12 April 1986. 19 (Sept-Dec. 1986): 89.
  360. __ . "Jack London Clubs." 15 (Jan.-Apr. 1982): 40.
  361. __ . "L'Appel de la vie series directed by Francis Lacassin." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 30-33.
  362. __ . "London and The Daily Worker." 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 54-55.
  363.  __ . "London in Library of America." 16 (Jan.-Apr. 1983): 45-46.
  364. __ . "Material in English on London." 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 71-72.
  365. __ . "Miscellaneous Notes." Comments on the final issue of the Jack London Newsletter by Hensley C. Woodbridge, editor. 21 (Jan.-Dec. 1988): 148-149.
  366. __ . "Nelson's Continental Library and Jack London." 13 (Jan.- Apr. 1980): 39-40.
  367. __ . "News and Notes."* 1 (July-Dec. 1967): 20.
  368. __ . "News and Notes." 1 (July-Dec. 1968): 66-67, 76.
  369. __ . "The 1976 London Centennial." 6 (May-Aug. 1973): 88.
  370. __ . "A Note on the Danish Authorized Translations of Jack London's Works." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 83-85.
  371. __ . "Notes." 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 164.
  372. __ . "Notes and Queries." 2 (Sept-Dec. 1969): 104.
  373. __ . "Our Contributors." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 108.
  374. __ . "Our Contributors." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 54.
  375. __ . "Recent Wolf House Books." 5 (Sept-Dec. 1972): 186.
  376. __ . "Renewal Notice." 5 (Sept.-Dec. 1972): 188.
  377. __ . Report on BBC televised filming of To Build a Fire. London's Sunday Mirror, 6 December 1970, p. 23; 3 (Sept-Dec. 1970): 94, 136.
  378. __ . Review of A Search for Jack London, by A. W. Freeman. 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 44-45.
  379. __ . Review of American Fiction: 1900-1950: A Guide to Information Sources, by James Woodress. 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 19.
  380. __ . Review of American Short Fiction, Readings & Fiction. Edited by James K. Bowen and Richard Van Der Beets. 3 (MayAug. 1970): 64.
  381.  __ . Review of Dzhek London. A biobibliography compiled by the All Soviet State Library of Foreign Literature, Moscow, Kniga, 1969, 147 pp. 2 (May-Aug. 1969): 73-74.
  382. __ . Review of Fragmentos del Futuro. "A New Spanish Anthology of London's Short Stories." Translated from the Spanish and edited by Francisco Cabezas Coca. 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 69-70.
  383. __ . Review of Great Short Works of Jack London. Edited and with an introduction by Earle Labor. 4 (Jan.-Apr. 1971): 52-53.
  384. __ . Review of Jack London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, by Dale L. Walker. 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 46-47.
  385. __ . Review of La jungle, by Upton Sinclair. 8 (May-Aug. 1975) 76-77.
  386. __ . Review of Mandala. Edited by Wilfred L. Guerin, Earle Labor, Lee Morgan, and John R. Willingham. 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 63.
  387. __ . Review of Mario Marft, La Giungla e II Grattacielo: Gil Scrutori e II Sogno Americano 1865-1920. 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 45-46.
  388. __ . Review of No Castles on Main Street: American Authors on Their Homes, by Stephanie Kraft 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 91-92.
  389. __ . Review of The London Collector. A literary magazine edited and published by Richard Weiderman. 3 (May-Aug. 1970): 71.
  390. __. Review of The Science Fiction of Jack London: An Anthology. Edited with a new introduction by Richard Gid Powers. 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 73-75.
  391. __ . Review of The Unabridged Jack London. Edited by Lawrence Teacher and Richard E. Nicholls. 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 67-68.
  392. __ . "The Stanford Cardinal of February 1921." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 56.
  393. __ comp. "Additional Reviews." 1 (July-Dec. 1967): 18-19.
  394. __ . "More References Concerning Jack London." 1 (Jan.-June 1968): 34-40.
  395. __ . WLT2**: FIrst Supplement." 6 (Jan.-Apr. 1973): 31-54.
  396. __ . WLT2: Supplement 2." 6 (Sept.-Dec. 1973): 123-130.
  397. __ WLT2: Supplement 3." 7 (Jan.-Apr. 1974): 48-54.
  398. __ . WLT2: Supplement 4." 7 (May-Aug. 1974): 85-89.
  399. __ . WLT2: Supplement 5." 7 (Sept.-Dec. 1974): 127-131.
  400. __ . WLT2: Supplement 5. "[sic] 8 (Jan.-Apr. 1975): 28-31.
  401. __ . WLT2: Supplement 6." 8 (May-Aug. 1975): 80-82.
  402. __ . WLT2: Supplement 7." 8 (Sept.-Dec. 1975): 133-137.
  403. __ . WL T2: Supplement 8." 9 (Jan.-Apr. 1976): 46-51.
  404. __ . WLT2: Supplement 10." 9 (May-Aug. 1976): 104-106.
  405. __ . WLT2: Supplement 11." 9 (Sept.-Dec. 1976): 156-159.
  406. __ . WLT2: Supplement 12." 10 (Jan.-Apr. 1977): 52-53.
  407. __ . WLT2: Supplement 13." 11 (May-Dec. 1978): 41-49.
  408. __ . WLT2: Supplement 14." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 68-73.
  409. __ . WLT2: Supplement 15." 12 (Jan.-Dec. 1979): 86-88.
  410. __ . WLT2: Supplement 16." 13 (May-Aug. 1980): 63-65.
  411. __ . WLT2: Supplement 17." 14 (Jan.-Apr. 1981): 35-39.
  412. Woodward, Robert W. "Another Reading of Jack London's War.'" 10 (Sept-Dec. 1977): 151-156.
  413. __ . "'Jack London Slept Here.''' 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 158.
  414. __ . "Martin Eden." Poem. 4 (Sept-Dec. 1971): 160.
  415. __ . "The Three 'Coined' Words in London's The Star Rover: Errata." 17 (May-Aug. 1984): 66.
  416. __ , comp."Jack London: A Bibliography, Addenda II." 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1969): 88-90.
  417. Woodward, Robert W., and Charles Ludlum. "The Three 'Coined' Words in London's The Star Rover." 16 (Sept.-Dec. 1983): 106108.
  418. Zamen, Mark E. "London." 18 (Jan.-Apr. 1985): 36-46.

*Published books concerning Jack London or reprints of his works are mentioned in "News and Notes," "Notes," and "Notes and Queries."

**Woodbridge, Hensley C., John London, George H. Tweney. Jack London: A Bibliography. 2nd ed. Millwood, N.Y., Kraus-Thomson Organization.