Joan London Writings

Sylvia Coventry. Serialized in Oakland Tribune, December 6, 1929 to February 24, 1927.
"Youth Surrenders," Young's Magazine, L, 3 (November, 1925): 290-296.
"No Latin, No Greek," College Humor, 12, 2, (September, 1927):53, 84.
Jack London and His Times: An Unconventional Biography. New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1939. With a new Introduction by the author, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1968. Available at
The Corpse With Knee Action [B. J. Maylon, pseud. Barney Mayes and Joan London]. New York: Phoenix, 1939.
"The London Divorce," The American Book Collector, XVII, 3 (November, 1966): 31.
"W. H. Chaney: A Reappraisal," The American Book Collector, XVII, 3 (November, 1966): 11-13.
So Shall Ye Reap, with Henry Anderson. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1970.
Jack London and His Daughters, Berkeley, CA: Heyday Books, 1990.
Joan London also wrote editorials and brief articles on labor issues for The Voice of the Federation [Maritime Federation of the Pacific], The International Teamster, and Rank and File during the 1930s and 1960s. Several of her Letters to the Editor appeared in San Francisco papers. For a listing of these publications, as well as foreign translations of her books, see James E. Sisson, compiler, "A Chronological Bibliography of the Writings of Joan London," Jack London Newsletter, 4, 1 (January-April, 1971): 6-8.