Short Story Collections
London wrote dozens of short stories, often based upon his life experiences. Once established, he published most stories in national magazines before collecting them into books. These are often called First Appearances. London's magazine editors often requested changes. Consequently, if you are fortunate to find an original early 1900s magazine of a London story, it may vary in small ways from the book version. A full set of first appearance magazines can be viewed at the Sonoma State University Jack London collection..
The Children of the Frost(1902)
Tales from the Klondike, including "The Law of Life" and "Nam-Bok, the Liar."
Dutch Courage and Other Stories(1922)
A collection of very early stories published posthumously, with a preface by his wife Charmian.
The Faith of Men and Other Stories (1904)

More stories from the north, including "The story of Jees Uck" and "The One Thousand Dozen."
The God of His Fathers(1901)
Northland tales, including "The Scorn of Women" and "A Daughter of the Aurora."
The House of Pride(1912)
South Sea tales including "Koloau the Leper" and "The Sheriff of Kona."
Lost Face(1910)
Includes "To Build a Fire."
Love of Life and Other Stories(1907)
Includes "Brown Wolf" and "The Story of Keesh."
Moon Face(1906)
Includes "All Gold Canyon" and "Planchette."
The Night Born(1913)
A varied collection including "War," "The Mexican," and "To Kill a Man."
On the Makaloa Mat(1919)
The best Hawaii storie, including "Shin Bones" and "The Water Baby."
The Red One(1918)
Features the haunting title novella, well worth comparing to Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness."
The Scarlet Plague (1912) Audio dramatization from Radio Nostalgia Network.
This novella explores life following a devastating plague that wipes out most of humanity.
Smoke Bellew(1912)
Includes "Wonder of Woman" and "The Meat." .
A Son of the Sun(1912)
A number of lesser-known South Pacific tales.
The Son of the Wolf (1900)
The first Klondike tales, including "The White Silence."
South Sea Tales(1911)
Darker Pacific tales, including "Mauki" and "The Terrible Solomons."
The Strength of the Strong(1914)
Includes "The Dream of Debs," "South of the Slot," and "The Unparalleled Invasion."
Tales of the Fish Patrol(1905)
Stories set on the San Francisco Bay of London's youth, including "A Raid on the Oyster Pirates."
The Turtles of Tasman(1916)
Includes the amazing "Told in the Drooling Ward." George Sterling was the actual author of "The First Poet."
When God Laughs(1911)
This outstanding collection includes "The Apostate," "Just Meat," "A Piece of Steak," and "Chinago."
Jack London's Articles and Short Stories in the Aegis
Edited by James Sisson. Published in 1980 by Star Rover House, the book is not available on the web, but can be found in used book stores. The Aegis was the student publication at London's high school. Some articles reflect his new interest in Socialism.